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June 16, 2015: ERC celebrates the 5000th grantee

ERC celebrates today its 5000th grantee. On this occasion Andras and the Molecular Tattoo project was selected among 12 top projects that already have had scientific achievements. The project is highlighted on the celebration poster, the ERC homepage and the ERC facebook timeline. A brochure about the 12 top projects will also be distributed at the event organised in June, celebrating the 5000th grant.

June 2, 2015 Our project “Optopharmacology: new vistas in drug discovery” selected for funding

Our joint project with Printnet Ltd. and Semmelweis University was selected for funding by the National Research, Development and Innovation Office. The Competitiveness & Excellence Contract project will focus on the application of our recently developed Molecular Tattoo technology in drug discovery research.

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